Artificial Inteligence Usage Policy

Circle of Blood: Rivals is a project based on a setting with years of work in concept design and concept art creation by illustrators. This card collection is conceived thanks to AI technology developed by the team at Midjourney and combined with the digital art expertise of Miguel Ángel Lozano, one of its designers.

Each illustration has been guided, chosen, and edited with great dedication by real people, often based on art created by illustrators hired in the past. The firm intention of the studio behind this game is to expand the human team of artists and designers involved in the project, but for that, we need your help at the beginning.

What have people done?

  • Game concept design

  • Mechanics design

  • World-building and background creation

  • Game logo

  • Concept art

  • Layout, graphic design, and manual editing of each image through a digital process

What has Midjourney AI done

  • Most of the images. In many cases, the illustrations have been manually fixed, retouched, and modified by Miguel Ángel Lozano, the illustrator and designer of the project.